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9 Foot Care Tips for Happy and Healthy Feet

Whether you’re an athlete, clocking long hours on your feet, or someone who just wants to keep those feet happy and healthy, we’ve got some tips to share with you.

Right Footwear

Invest in shoes that fit well and are comfortable. Shoes that are too tight or too loose can cause a range of foot problems, from blisters, ingrown toenails, and calluses to more serious issues like plantar fasciitis.

Switch Them Up

There are parts of your feet that can get worn down from wearing the same shoes every day. Switch up your shoes so they can breathe and your feet don’t have to deal with the same pressure points over and over.

Good Foot Hygiene

Practice good hygiene by washing your feet daily with soap and water. Dry them well, making sure to clean between your toes. This can help prevent fungal infections and other foot problems. To keep your feet from getting dried and cracking, moisturize them. But don’t put oil between your toes, as this can make a good place for fungus to grow.

Toenail Clipping

To avoid getting ingrown toenails, cut your toenails straight across. Do not cut them too short or round the edges, as this can cause painful conditions.

Dry Feet

To avoid getting fungus diseases, keep your feet dry. Pick socks that wick away sweat and shoes that let air flow. If your feet sweat a lot, try foot powder or antiperspirants.

Foot and Ankle Stretches

Stretching your feet can help you stay flexible and lower your risk of getting hurt. Toe stretches, ankle circles and leg stretches are all easy movements that can help your feet stay healthy.


If you want extra support and padding, you might want to use supported shoes or orthotics. These can help relieve pressure on certain parts of your feet and make you feel better all around.

Healthy Weight

Having too much weight puts extra stress on your feet, which can cause problems like heel fasciitis and arthritis. A good weight can be kept up by eating well and working out regularly.


Regular exercise improves blood flow and keeps your feet healthy. To improve the general performance of your feet, do things like walking or swimming.

The above foot and ankle care tips can help keep your feet healthy and happy for a long time. Remember that taking the time to care for your feet now can save you pain and problems later on. Make an appointment with a podiatrist for regular check-ups to talk about any worries or possible problems. To keep your feet in great shape, a professional can give you personalized help and care.

Call the friendly My Chicago Foot Expert staff at (773) 561-8100 or click here to schedule an appointment with Cook County podiatrist Stavros O. Alexopoulos, DPM, in our modern, comfortable Ravenswood office today.

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